Krishē Agriculture Software Suite
Grameen Intel Social Business developed the Krishē e-Agriculture solutionsuiteto offer on-the-ground access to specific expert agriculture advice and linkage to market to improve the income situation of farmers.
Comprised of 4 light-weight, easy–to-use and scalable mobile applications, Krishē can be localized to and applied in most regions of the world. They are a powerful ICT farming advisory medium to create positive and sustainable impact in terms of livelihood, food security, income generation along with reducing environmental impact.
Krishē provides access to four different modules that provides recommendations at different stages of the crop life cycle:
Mrittikā is a soil analysis solution to identify optimum fertilizer application, improve input cost and increase yield.
Protikār is a solution to help farmers to prevent, control and fight plant diseases, weeds and pests based on best practices
Ankur is a seed recommendation solution to identify best seed options, improve input cost and increase yield
Vistār is a harvest management app to provide market linkage with buyers and sellers.